查英语 >英语学习 >口语学习 >无聊用英语怎么说


更新时间:2024-04-27 18:17:06

  1.It s boring.真无聊! Its boring./Dull./My life is dull./Its dull.

  短对话 M:I need to go out for a walk.我必须出去散散步。 F:Why?为什么?

  M:Its too dull sitting in front of the TV set.坐在电视机前太无聊了。 F:Dont you want to play the computer games today?你今天不是想玩电脑游戏吗?

  M:No, Its tiresome, too.不,玩电脑游戏也无聊。 F:Whats the matter with you?Can you talk to me?你怎么啦?可P我说说吗?

  M:Dont worry, I just...... recently, Ill be OK.别担心,我近只是,我会没事的。 F:Alright then, go out to get some fresh air and walk the dog.那好吧,出去呼吸一下新鲜空气,溜溜狗吧。


  2.It s for the birds.毫无价值! Its for the birds. 直译帮不了谁,多只能帮帮鸟罢了,即无聊,没有意思。是比较旧的说法,但现在仍然在用。 Its no good./It sucks.

  短对话 A:I hate this class.我讨厌上这课。 B:I agree. Its for the birds.没错。真无聊。

  3.It s nothing great.没什么了不起的。 Its nothing great./Its nothing much.

  短对话 A:Hows your new job?你的新工作怎么样? B:Its nothing great.没什么了不起的。

  4.I m not satisfied.我不满意。 Im not satisfied./Im dissatisfied./Im not happy about it. Im not content./Im discontent.

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