查英语 >英语作文 >英语日记 >英语日记400字带翻译:校园里的花


更新时间:2024-04-28 08:03:49


  There are many trees with flowers in the school. Last month, it was the time when magnolia flowers were in full bloom. The flower season of magnolia flowers was very short. Within a week, the flowers were placed in full bloom to wither into mud. Its amazing that the existence of beauty was short and fleeting. If the magnolia tree doesnt blossom, it doesnt even have a leaf. Its bare and clubbing in the yard. If its not flowers that attract people, few people pay attention to such an ordinary tree.


  This week is full of begonias. Last week, flowers bloomed brightly on the sunny side of the building, but on the shady side of the building were still flowers. However, there was a clear and bright holiday in the middle. When I came to school again, I found that the Begonia blossomed beautifully! Flowers are big, colorful and dense. The Begonia tree is higher than two floors. When it is full of flowers, you can see what is the waterfall of flowers and the ocean of flowers.


  Whether it is Begonia tree or magnolia tree, unfortunately, they only have ornamental value. They dont work, they dont bring benefits to people. In addition to providing people with the appreciation of beauty, they seem to have little value in existence.


  There is nothing in the world. The existence of some flowers and trees is just for good-looking, good-looking, which is their greatest existence value. Can we be like this? If its just for the sake of looking good, is it worth it? Is there any value in be