查英语 >英语作文 >英语日记 >英语日记400字带翻译:春季家长会


更新时间:2024-04-27 23:26:14


  This semesters parents meeting is held today. Im ashamed to say that the last parents meeting was due to the poor grades in the class after the examination and I was ashamed to open my mouth to my parents. I always put my hope on the next parents meeting, but in the end, I didnt make any progress in my performance, but I was inclined to step back. As a head teacher, I couldnt get down a bit.


  Can you complain about students all the time? You can only find reasons from yourself. You dont have strict requirements for students. As a teacher in charge of a class, you dont have executive power. Many learning methods and measures are just on your lips. You dont have supervision and restriction. In the end, you are just a snake. The students are all monkeys. Once you find out your temper, they will fight guerrillas like you. When you come, they pretend to be studying. When you leave, there is no chaos in the first class. After all, its only thirteen or fourteen year old children. Its no doubt that they want to be strict in their self-discipline.


  After all, its a very painful thing to hold a parent meeting to avoid talking about grades or to talk less about grades. I use many pictures of students to show their stylistic advantages, to show their gains in all aspects of life, and to avoid giving priority to others.


  I hope that at the next parents meeting, the students can get a good score and give their parents a satisfactory answer sheet.