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更新时间:2024-04-27 19:26:50

  1.I m surprised!真令我惊讶! Im surprised!/What a surprise!/How amazing. Thats extraordinary./Fancy that./Im so surprised! Im ecstatic!/Im very surprised to hear that./Great surprise! Im shocked!/Wow.

  情景对话 A:You wont believe what Bill just told me.你不会相信比尔刚才告诉我的事。 B:What?什么事? A:Tommy cheated on the exam and was caught on the spot.汤米考试作弊,并且当场被抓到。 B:I cant believe this. He isnt that kind of person.我不相信。他不是那种人。 A:I know. Its incredible, but its true.我知道。真是难以置信,但是那是真的。 B:Everyone will be surprised hearing this.大家听到这件事都很惊讶。 A:Absolutely!是!

  2.It s hard to believe.难以置信! Incredible!/Its hard to believe./I cant believe my eyes. It cant be./My God!/Who can have thought of it?/Are you sure? I wouldnt have guessed.

  短对话 A:We win!我们赢了! B:Its hard to believe.难以置信!


  3.Did you know about the surprise party?破坏惊喜。 Did you know about the surprise party? Guess who is coming to your party? We bought you flowers for your birthday. Your parents wont be there./Sorry, I ruined your surprise. I wasnt supposed to tell you./Ill keep my mouth shut next time.

  4.bout surprises关于惊喜 场景句子

  Is this a surprise party or what?这是个惊喜派对,还是别的什么?

  Did you see the surprise look on his face?你看见他脸上惊讶的表情了吗?

  I love surprises except when they are for me.我喜欢给别人惊喜,但不喜欢别人给我惊喜。

  I cant stand it when someone leaks out a surprise.我不能忍受有人把惊喜事先泄漏出去。

  I didnt mean to hide anything from you, but it was all worth it in the end.我不想瞒你任何事,但后这件事却值得隐瞒。

  I was so surprised that she fainted.我很惊讶她昏倒了.

  Im sorry if I accidentally ruined the surprise party.如果我意外地破坏了惊喜聚会的话,我很抱歉。

  You should never tell her about a surprise party. She is bound to ruin it.你不应该告诉她惊喜晚会的事。她肯定会泄漏出去。

  To my surprise, he proposed to me on my birthday.令我惊讶的是,他在我生日那天向我求婚了.

  He didnt even see it coming when they told him he was fired.当他们告诉他被解雇时,他一点心理准备都没有。

  Who would have guessed that she was carrying twins?谁能猜到到她怀的是双胞胎?

  There was a look of astonishment when they announced the underdog as the Oscar winne。当他们宣布不被看好的提名者获得奥斯卡奖时,人们都很惊讶。

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