查英语 >英语阅读 >什么是"鱼干女"和"食草男"


更新时间:2024-04-26 22:50:13

  South Korean retailers are stocking their shelves and shop windows to cater to the tastes of “dried-fish woman” and “herbivore man”.


  Even more than baby boomers and Generation X in the west, these young professionals have come to epitomise social change in Asia's fourth-biggest economy, disconcerting their elders with their apathy towards traditional family values. They are the subject of television dramas and a forthcoming film.

  与西方的“婴儿潮一代”(baby boomers)和X世代(Generation X)相比,这些年轻的职业人士更能体现出这个亚洲第四大经济体的社会变化,他们对传统家庭价值观的漠视让老一辈感到不安。他们是电视剧的主角,还有一部以他们为主题的电影即将上演。

  Offending family-orientated Confucian values, neither dried-fish woman nor herbivore man is much interested in romance, part of the reason why Korea's fertility rate is lamentably low.


  It is almost inconceivable that the two might mate with each other. Herbivore man is a dandy metrosexual with an abhorrence of martial arts. He has no qualms about ordering wine or soft drinks instead of Korea's fiery spirits, de rigueur among the old guard. Dried-fish woman is an impeccably dressed model employee, but after work she just wants to lounge on the sofa in a track suit, watch television and munch on dried squid.


  Both are rebels from Korea's crippling and prohibitively expensive treadmill of education, marriage and family, hailed as the be-all and end-all by the taciturn older generation. As consumers, they lavish money on their free time, buying DVDs, furniture and comfort food.

  他们都是韩国教育、婚姻和家庭单调模式的反叛者,而在缄默的老一代人看来,这些危害深重、费用高昂的模式乃是人生的最终目标。作为消费者,他们在闲暇时间大肆挥霍,购买DVD、家具和方便食品。 1/2 12下一页尾页