查英语 >英语考试作文 >雅思作文 >写作怎么拿高分?记住这些雅思写作黄金句型模板


更新时间:2024-04-28 05:52:28

  .content {font-size:16px !important;font-family:Tahoma,"Simsun" ;line-height:28px !important;color:#333;}.content p {font-size:16px !important;padding:0 15px !important;margin:20px 0 !important;text-align:left;} 一般来说,很多考生都会在备考雅思的时候背诵很多写作模板,有的模板在考试中能够运用到,有些模板就可能用不到,这个要看考试的具体情况。虽说模板不是万能的,但是背诵一些经典模板还是有益的,下面就一起来看看雅思作文栏目为大家整理的关于雅思写作黄金句型模板的介绍,希望大家可以合理使用。

  1. After pondering this question on many occasions, I finally reach the opinion that is something worthy to do and I cannot skip it.

  4. Although it is an admirable idea, ___ is not always a realistic option.

  5. Nowadays, some may hold the opinion that ___ . However others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agree that ___ .

  6. When it comes to___ , we find comfort in the idea that___ .

  7. Until recently, ___ was viewed as the prime argument. However people are taking a fresh look at it.

  8. At first thought, it may seem to be an attractive idea, but it does not bear closer analysis when we find ___ .

  9. Superficially, it seems to be a sound solution. But when carefully weighing it in the mind, we find that___ .

  10. A scrutiny of these arguments would reveal how fallacious they are.

  11. ___ , however, I do not think that this view can hold water.

  12. To suggest that ___ is the most obvious kind of nonsense. 1

  14. On the surface of it, this may seem to be a sound solution, but if thinking again, we would point out some drawbacks.
