查英语 >英语作文 >英语日记 >英语日记400字带翻译:乐于帮助是一种美


更新时间:2024-04-28 02:26:31


  You ask me what is beauty. In my opinion, being willing to help is the beauty we often see in our life.


  A few days ago, I saw something happened in France in the news. A young man climbed up the fourth floor in 30 seconds to save a child who was about to fall from the fourth floor. The president knew this and praised the modern Spider Man.

  其实乐于助人不只会在新闻里看到,我们也能经常从生活中看到和遇到。我深刻地记得,在一次去东北的旅行中,大家都玩的很嗨,发生了一件让我们特别紧张,也特别温暖的事情。那是在雪乡的晚上,夜景特别美,当然人也特别多,大人们不断提醒我们不要走散,再三小心下,结果我们其中一个小伙伴 失踪了。这下把我们急得团团转,大人们立马电话联系,可是在零下三十度的温度,手机一拿出来就关机了。怎么办呢?后来为了不走散,我们立刻每两人拆分为一组,在指定范围内寻找起来,我紧跟着爸爸搜寻着。忽然在不远处,我看到走丢的小伙伴在前方焦躁地张望,我一个箭步冲了上前,他见着我立马安心地笑了,我开心地抓住他的手拉着他回归了大部队。

  In fact, helping others is not only seen in the news, but also in our daily life. I deeply remember that in a trip to the northeast, everyone had a good time. Something happened that made us very nervous and warm. It was the night in Xuexiang. The night scenery was very beautiful. Of course, there were many people. Adults kept reminding us not to leave. After careful, one of our little friends was missing. Now we are all in a hurry. Adults call immediately, but in the temperature of minus 30 degrees, the cell phone will be turned off as soon as it is taken out. What should we do? Later, in order not to be separated, we immediately split each two into a group, and found it within the designated scope. I followed dad in search. Suddenly, not far away, I saw the lost little friend looking anxiously in front of me. I rushed forward with an arrow step. He saw that I immediately smiled at ease. I happily grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the army.


  The beauty of helping others will appear everywhere in life. Lets build this beauty together!