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更新时间:2024-04-28 05:44:31



  Its not what I had in mind.我想要的可不是这个。 Its not what I hoped for.我期待的可不是这样的。 That leaves a lot to be desired.太不让人满意了。 That doesnt quite suit me.我对这不怎么满意。 Ive just checked in and have found some problems.我刚刚才住进来,就发现了一些问题。 It seems there are no towels.好像没有毛巾。 Sorry to trouble you, but I dont think this fish is fresh. It actually tastes a bit off.很抱歉麻烦你,不过这条鱼好像不新鲜,实际上尝起来都有点变质了。 美联英语精心挑选各种场合对话,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习会话,让我们开始进入酒店英语处理投诉的情景中吧。

  W: Is anything wrong with your food this evening, miss? 小姐,今晚您的饭菜有什么问题吗? G:Sorry to trouble you, but I dont think this fish is fresh. it actually tastes a bit off. 很抱歉麻烦你,不过这条鱼好像不新鲜。实际上尝起来都有点变质了。 W: Sorry, miss. Ill replace it immediately. Can I get you another drink while you wait? 对不起,小姐。我马上换一份。在您等待的时候再来点儿喝的吗? G:No, please dont do that. Id just like to return it. 不用了,不必麻烦了。我只想把这菜退了。 W: Im sorry, miss, but Im afraid we cant do that. But you may order something else instead. I would love to suggest the steak. Its the house specialty and quite tasty. 很抱歉,小姐,这恐怕不行。不过您可以另点一道别的菜。我向您推荐牛排。是我们的特色菜,非常好吃。 G:OK, then please bring me the steak medium-rare. Thank you. 好的,给我来一份四分熟的牛排,谢谢。 W: OK, miss. I hope you enjoy the rest of your dinner. 好的,小姐,祝您用餐愉快。

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