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更新时间:2024-04-26 07:59:51



  The light in the Room is too dim. Please get me a brighte rone.房间的灯太暗了,请给我换一个亮点的。 I feel cold. Maybe!got a cold.我觉得很冷,也许我感冒了。 The water tap drips all night long. I can hardly sleep.水龙头的水滴了一整夜,我几乎一夜没睡。 The toilet is stopped up.马桶堵住了。 There is something wrong with the shower.喷头坏了。 There is no water in the water closet. Would you please have it repaired?马桶没有水,请修理一下好吗? I cant fall asleep because the tap is dripping.水龙头漏水,吵得我无法入睡。 韦博英语精心挑选各种场合对话,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习会话,让我们开始进入酒店客房服务英语的情景中吧。

  M:Housekeeping. Can I help you? 客房部。请问有什么可以帮您吗? G:Yes, there seems to be something wrong with the toilet. 是的,抽水马桶好像坏了。 M:Well send someone to repair it immediately. Whats your Room number, please? 我们会马上派人来修的。请问您的房间号码? G:1287. 1287。 M:May I come in? 我可以进来吗? G:Come in. 进来。 M:Whats the trouble? 怎么回事? G:The toilet doesnt flush. 抽水马桶不冲水了。 M:Let me see. Oh, its clogged Its all right now. You may try it. 让我看看。哦,堵住了现在好了。你可以试一试。 G:Yes, its working now. Thank you. 是的,现在好了。谢谢你! M:Youre welcome. Anything else? 不客气。还有别的事吗? G:The water tap drips all night long. I can hardly sleep. 水龙头滴了一整夜。我几乎不能睡觉。 M:Im very sorry, sir. Some part needs to be replaced.I will be back soon. 非常抱歉,先生。有个零件要换了。我很快会回来。



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