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更新时间:2024-04-20 08:02:29



  It is hard to get a similar one.很难再找到和这一样的了。 I am sorry, we cant fix it today.对不起,我们今天修不了。 Would you mind changing a room?The toilet is hard to repair today.您换个房间好吗?卫生间今天修不好了。 Since the water pipes are being repaired, cold water is not available from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m.由于水管维修,上午9点至下午4点没有冷水供应。 Sorry for the inconvenience. We do hope you enjoy your stay here.给您带来不便,真抱歉,真心希望您住店愉快。 韦博英语精心挑选各种场合对话,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习会话,让我们开始进入酒店客房专用英语的情景中吧。

  S:Ive locked myself out of the room. May I borrow another key? 我把自己锁在房间外了。我可以借一把钥匙吗? G:Dont worry, Mr. Bell. Ill open the door for you. 别担心,贝尔先生。我来为你开门。 S:Thank you very much. Sometimes Im quite absent-minded. 非常感谢。有时我心不在焉的。 G:It doesnt matter, Mr. Bell. What else can I do for you? 没关系,贝尔先生。还有什么我可以帮你吗? s:Ah, Im afraid theres something wrong with the TV. The picture is wobbly. 啊,电视貌似有毛病了。这画面很不稳定,摇摇晃晃的。 G:Im sorry. May I have a look at it? 很抱歉。我可以看一下吗? S:Here it is. 这儿呢。 G:Ill send for an electrician from the maintenance Department. We can have it repaired. Please wait just a few minutes, Mr Bell. 我给您从维护部门请电工。我们一定会把它修好的。请稍等几分钟,贝尔先生。



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