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文化用品 英语

更新时间:2024-04-28 04:23:21


  A: Hello, What can I do for you? B:Hi, do you here have Pride and Prejudice? A: One moment please, let me have a look.Yup, weve got it. B: I want to order one hundred copies. A: Do you have a membership card? B: No, I dont. A: The total price is 240 Yuan. B: Here you go. I need an invoice and this is the name of my company. A:Sure thing.Heres the invoice and change. By the way, may I have your name, phone number and address? B: My name is Mary, my phone number is 62345871 and my address is Room 201 Guofeng Plaza, West Second Ring Road. A:OK. Well deliver the books to you tomorrow afternoon. B: OK, thank you.

  A:你好,你需要什么? B:你好。这里有《傲慢与偏见》吗? A:等会儿。我看看。是的,我们有。 B:我要购买100本。 A:你有会员卡吗? B:没有。 A:总价是240元。 B:给你钱。请给我开发票,这是我的公司名。 A:没问题。给你发票和零钱。顺便问一下,你的姓名、电话和地址是什么? B:我叫玛丽,我的电话号码是62345871,地址是:西二环国风大厦201室。 A:好的。我们明天下午给你送书过去。 B:好的,谢谢。

  文化用品 英语1


  1.My mother bought me a small black leather wallet for my birthday.母亲给我买了一个黑色的皮质钱包作为生日礼物。

  2. If you are determined to make the grade in the entrance examination, you must work harder. 如果你下决心要通过入学考试,你必须更加努力学习。

  3. Please handle this gold watch carefully. It is worth more than eight thousand dollars. 请小心拿着这块金表,它值八千多美元呢!

  4. This new book will sell well.这本新书将会很好卖。

  S. Shall we sit on that sofa waiting?我们可以坐在那个沙发上等吗?

  6. Which one should I get;我该选哪一个呢?

  7. Excuse me. where is the triangular ruler?时不起,请问三角尺在哪?

  8. Dont forget the calculator.别忘了买计算器.

  9. Do you see my shopping list?看到我的购物清单了吗?

  10.I am sorry. we accept cash only.对不起,我们只收现金。

  11. I am sorry. Your credit card was not accepted.对不起,您的信用卡刷不了.