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更新时间:2024-04-28 00:19:49

  对话范例 A: May I take your order, sir? B: Well, its very hard to decide. Can youre commend any particular dish for me? A: The roast duck is very good tonight. B: Anything else? A: How about chicken? Chicken is one of the house specialties. B: Im not very fond of chicken. I feel likesome steak tonight. What is this castlesteak on the menu? A: Its a small steak cooked on a grill. B: Oh, sounds great. I will try that. A: What appetizer would you like? B: The fruit cocktail is ok. A: And what soup would you like? B: The cream of mushroom soup. A: Very well, sir. B: I will have peach pie as my dessert. A: Very well, sir. Right away. B: Thank you!

  A:你要点菜了吗,先生? B:嗯。很难决定。你能给我推荐一些特别的餐点吗? A:今晚的烤鸭很不错。 B:还有其他的吗? A:鸡怎么样?鸡是本店的招牌菜之一。 B:我不是很喜欢鸡。今晚我想吃点牛排。菜单上的城堡牛排是什么牛排? A:是碳烤小牛排。 B:哦,听起来不错。试一下这个。 A:餐前的开胃饮料你要什么? B:水果鸡尾酒就成。 A:来点什么汤? B:奶油蘑菇浓汤。 A:好的.先生。 B:餐后甜点我要蜜桃派。 A:好的,先生,马上来。 B:谢谢。


  常用例句 1. Can I take this seat?我可以坐这个座位吗? 2. Could I have the menu, please?请给我菜单好吗? 3. Wait your turn, please.请排队! 4. What are you in the mood for?你想吃什么? S. Im on a diet.我正在节食。 6. I have to avoid food containing garlic.我必须避免有大蒜的食物. 7. How do you like your steak?你的牛排要几成熟? 8. What kind of dessert do you have?餐厅有哪几类餐后甜点? 9. This steak is tender today.今天的牛排很嫩。 10. My mother likes black tea.我妈妈喜欢喝红茶。 11. Ill follow your arrangement.我就照你说的办. 12. May I have some more rice, please.请再给我一点米饭好吗?

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