查英语 >英语学习 >口语学习 >酒店点菜英语


更新时间:2024-04-28 11:51:46


  逢年过节,亲朋好友一起到饭店聚会,关键就是点菜。 一位餐厅经理说,许多前来就餐的客人根本就不会点菜。韦博英语小编为大家整理酒店点菜英语,我们可以如何正确表达自己的意愿呢?

  Here is the menu, sir. The waiter will be here to take your order.这是我们的菜单,先生。我们的服务员等会过来给您点菜。 Please take your time. Ill be back to take your order.请慢慢选择,我一会儿来为您点菜。 Excuse me, sir. May I take your order now?打扰一下先生,请问现在可以给您点菜了吗? Are you ready to order, sir?您准备好点菜了吗,先生? Are you ready to order or you need another minute?请问您是准备好点菜了还是需要再等一会儿呢? 韦博英语精心挑选各种场合对话,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习会话,让我们开始进入酒店点菜英语的情景中吧。

  W: Good evening, madam and sir. Do you have a reservation? 晚上好,先生,女士,请问有预订吗? G: Yes, Im Mr. Johnson. 是的,我是约翰逊。 W: This way, please, Mr. Johnson. Here is your table. Is this all right? 这边请,约翰逊先生。这是你的座位,这里可以吗? G: Thank you. Its nice, indeed. 谢谢,非常好。 W: My pleasure. Heres the menu.(After a while) Are you ready to order now, madam and sir? 不客气,这是菜单。(一会儿后)先生,女士,你们准备好点菜了吗? G: No, we are still looking at the menu. You see, this is our first trip to China. Will you recommend us some Chinese dishes? 还没,我们还在看菜单呢。这是我们第一次来中国,你可以给我们推荐一些中国菜吗? W: How much would you spend? 你大概消费多少钱呢? G: I dont care about money. Id like to have some good dishes of Chinese characteristics. 钱不是问题,我想要一些好吃的有中国特色的菜。 W: Yes, sir. Would you like shrimps with tomato, fried prawns, Peking Duck, sweet and sour boneless pork, red-cooked eggplant, steamed mandarin fish and fish balls soup? Six dishes and one soup. Is that all right? 好的,先生,你想要茄汁虾仁、油焖大虾,北京烤鸭,咕噜肉,红烧茄子、清蒸桂花鱼和鱼丸汤,六菜一汤,可以吗? G: It sounds very nice, thank you. Well take them all. 听起来不错,谢谢。我们全要了。

