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风俗习惯 英语

更新时间:2024-04-28 03:49:27

  中国的端午节 A: Why do you Chinese people celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival every year for? B:Because it reminds us of the great poet Qu Yuan. This custom has greatsignificance to the local people. A:Yes. The guidebook says that its the essence of their national spirit.

  A:为什么你们中国人每年都要庆祝端午节? B:因为这个风俗旨在使我们记住伟大的诗人屈原。对于当地人而言该风俗意义重大。 A:对,旅游指南上说那是他们民族精神的精髓。

  地方风俗 A:Tell us something about your tour. B: OK. The local people celebrate many festivals that we have never heard of before. A: What kind of festivals? B: The local people regard the lunar eclipse as a bad omen. A: Why do they have such a strange idea? Why do the local people like eagles so much? B:Because the eagle is the symbol of their national culture.

  A:给我们讲讲你旅行的情况。 B:好的。当地人庆祝许多节日,这些节日我们以前听都没听过的。 A:是什么样的节日? B:当地人将月食视为一种凶兆。 A:他们怎么会有这么奇怪的想法呢?当地人为什么那么喜欢鹰? B:因为鹰是他们民族文化的象征。

  风俗习惯 英语1

  地方风俗 A: Where did you go this summer vacation? B:I went on a guided tour of the Blue Lake. A: Really?How was it? B:It was really worth visiting. Everything there was so striking and unforgettable. A:Did you learn anything about the local customs? B:Yes. The local people refer to the moon as the Queen of the Night. A: Thats interesting. Did you take any pictures? B: Yes,here they are. A:I envy you.

  A:这个暑假你去哪儿了? B:我跟团去蓝湖旅行了。 A:真的吗?这次旅行感觉如何? B:确实值得一游。那儿的一切都是那么 令人心动、令人难忘。 A:你了解了当地的什么风俗吗? B:了解了一些。当地人把月亮敬奉为夜之神。 A:真是有趣。你拍照片了吗? B:拍了,在这儿呢。 A:真羡慕。

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