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更新时间:2024-04-28 06:59:41

  钱包被偷 A: Wow, that bus was crowded. I really hate taking crowded buses. B:I know. I could hardly breathe, and people kept pushing me. (Two getting off the bus) A: Now lets go and get some lunch. Im starving. B: Me too.But I dont have that much money with me. Do you have enough for both of us? A:Let me check. Hey, wheres my wallet? B:Why? Are you sure youve brought it out with you? Didnt you leave it at the hotel. A:I dont think so. No, Im sure I had it with me. I took money out of it to buy ticket on the bus. B: Then,it must the pickpocket. A: How terrible! B:Lets go to the police. Hurry!

  A:哇,那辆公共汽车实在太挤了。我真讨厌挤公共汽车! B:是啊。气都透不过来了,后面的人老是拼命推我。 (两人下车了) A:现在去吃饭吧,肚子都饿扁了。 B:我也是。不过我没多带钱。你身上的钱够两个人吃的吗? A:我看看。啊,我的钱包呢? B:怎么了?你带出来了没有?没把它留在旅馆里吧? A:不会的吧。对,我肯定带着的。我在公车上从钱包里面拿钱买票了。 B:那么一定是小偷偷走了。 A:真倒霉! B:让我们去报警!赶快!


  自行车被偷 A : John,my bicycle was stolen yesterday. B : Your bicycle was stolen? That old and rusty one that looked like it was going to fall apart any second? A: Yes,it was. B:Why? Why would anyone want your bicycle? A:I dont know. There were plenty of other bicycles around. But I have no idea why mine was stolen. B: Who knows? You probably parked it in a non-parking place and forgot to lock it. A : Well,I dont think I parked it illegally because there were other bicycles around. And I remember having locked it to a post. See,I still have the key? B:Where were you parking it? A:It was outside the supermarket. The store was really crowded,so it took me almost an hour. When I came out, my bicycle was gone. B:How miserable!

  A:我怎么知道。我的自行车旁边还有许多自行车,我不明白为什么偏偏我的那辆被偷掉了。 B:谁知道?你也许把车子放在了禁止停车的地方并且忘记上锁了吧? A:不过我认为我没有违规停车,因为周围有许多自行车。我也记得我把车锁在柱子上的。看,车钥匙还在这儿呢。 B:你把车停在哪里了? A:在超市外面。超市里人很多,我足足用了一个小时。等我出来的时候。车已经没有了。 B:真可怜!

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