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更新时间:2024-04-27 22:47:58

  晕车 A: Bob,how much longer do you think this bus ride will take? B:I dont know. Im ready to get off the bus too. This has been a reallybumpy ride. A :I know. I suppose its because were in the mountains. B : Are you OK? You look kind of pale. A:I dont feel very well. I think its carsickness. B:Are you feeling really sick? A:I dont know. I feel really bad. B:Here,do you want to sit by the window? Lets change the seat. Maybefresh air will help. A: Hope so. Yes,a little better. But I still feel sick. B: Master, how much longer will this ride take? C: It will take us 3 more hours to get out of the mountain,and then an hour orso to get to our destination. A:Oh,my!I dont know if I can make it that long.

  A:鲍勃,你知道车子还要开多久啊? B:我不知道。不过我也想下车,这一路上太颠了。 A:是啊。我想这是在山上行驶的缘故吧。 B:你怎么样?看上去脸色有点苍白。 A:我觉得有点难受。我想我是晕车了。 B:你不行了吗? A:不知道。我感觉非常不好。 B:要不要坐到靠窗的位子?跟你换个位子。新鲜空气也许会让你觉得好一些。 A:但愿如此。好一点了。不过还是很难受。 B:师傅,车子还要开多久啊? C:还要三个多小时才能下山,然后再过一个多小时才能到目的地。 A:天啊!我恐怕坚持不了那么久。


  晕车(2) A: Do you have any carsickness medicine,Bob? B: Do you think it would work? I think its too late for that. You should havetaken it 30 minutes before we started off. Take this pickled plum and keepit in mouth. It may help, as many Chinese people say. A:Oh,I feel terribly sick. Move out of the way. I need to get to the bothroom! C: Lady, can I help you? I have a special method to relieve motion sickness. A: Really? I find it hard to believe. But Id like to try it since Im feeling so bad. C : Give me your left hand. You may feel a bit puffy first. And then you will feela bit relaxed. Now give me your right hand. A:Dear me!My arms aching all over! Be soft, please!Wow, its gone!Thesickness is gone! Im feeling much relaxed now! Thats really extraordi-nary!Thank you,friend. Thank you very much!

  A:鲍勃,你带了晕车药没有? B:你觉得会有用吗?我想现在吃已经太晚了。你应该在开车前30分钟吃药。把这颗话梅含在嘴里。许多中国人都说有用。 A:哦,我难受死了。让一让,我要去洗手间! C:女士,我来帮你一下吧。我有特别的办法对付晕车。 A:是吗?我不太相信。不过试试吧,我实在太难受了。 C:把左手给我。开始你会有些胀感,然后就会觉得轻松一些的。好,换右手。 A:哎呀,整个手臂都酸!请你轻一点!咦,不晕了!我不晕了!轻松多了。真难以想象!谢谢你。朋友,太谢谢了!

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