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更新时间:2024-04-28 04:29:59

  常用句子 1 .What a beautiful sweater! It just goes well with your pants. 这件毛衣真漂亮!它和你的裤子非常相配。

  2. I like your new coat. It looks terrific! 我喜欢你的新外套。它看起来棒极了!

  3.You were lucky to find such a beautiful scarf. 你真幸运能找到这么好看的一条围巾。

  4. I like the color of your coat. It matches your hat. 我喜欢你这件外套的颜色。它和你的帽子很相配。

  5. Thats amazing! It sure looks expensive. 真不错!它看起来一定很贵。

  6. Where did you find such a lovely hat? 你从什么地方找到的这么好看的一顶帽子?

  7. How come you speak such good English? 你为什么能说这么好的英语呢?


  情景对话 A: Where did you buy such a sweater? B: I bought it on the last fashion show. What do you think of it? A: It looks good on you. You always dress simply but in good taste. B: Im glad to hear that. A: Oh, I just got a watch. What do you think of it? B: Oh! I cant believe my eyes. What a beautiful watch! Which brand is it? A: Its a Rossini. B: Its my favorite brand. And this watch is in fashion, and I like the style. A: Im happy that you say so. B: Really, I think this is the best watch I have ever seen.

  A:你从哪买到的这件毛衣? B:在上次时装展示会上买的。你觉得怎么样? A:你穿上它很好看。你的穿着总是很简单,但是很有品味。 B:能听到你这么说我很高兴。 A:对了,我刚买了一块表。你觉得怎么样? B:哦!我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。多好看的手表啊!是什么牌子的? A:是罗西尼的. B:这是我喜欢的牌子.这块手表很时髦,我喜欢这种款式。 A:你能这么说我很高兴。 B:真的,我觉得这是我看过的比较好的一块手表。

上一篇: 抱怨的英文句子 下一篇: 道歉的英语对话