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更新时间:2024-04-27 13:44:46

  情景会话 A: Excuse me. Are you from the Great Wall Hotel? B: Yes, thats right. And you are? A: Im Tom from ABC Company. Im going to stay at your hotel. B: How do you do, Tom? Glad to meet you. I came here to pick you up. A: Thank you. Sorry about the delay of the flight. B: Thats all right. Are these all your luggage? A: Yes. Shall we go now? B: Sure. The car has already been waiting for us. This way, please.

  A:打扰了,你来自长城饭店吗? B:是的,我是。您是哪位? A:我是ABC公司的汤姆。我将要入住你们的酒店。 B:您好,汤姆。很高兴认识您。我是来接您去酒店的。 A:谢谢。抱歉飞机晚点了。 B:没关系。这就是您全部的行李吗? A:是的。我们现在可以出发吗? B:当然。车已经在等我们了。这边请。


  场景问答句 Glad to meet you. I came here to pick you up. 很高兴认识您。我是来接您去酒店的。

  还可以这样说: O Sorry to interrupt you, are you Mr. Clinton from Australia?打扰一下,请问您是澳大利亚来的克林顿先生吗?

  O Anyhow, its a long way to China, isnt it? 不管怎么说,到中国算是一次长途旅行,对吧?

  O If youre ready, wed better start for the hotel. 如果您准备好了,我们比较好现在出发去宾馆。

  Are these all your luggage? 这就是您全部的行李吗?

  还可以这样说: O Let me help you with your luggage.让我帮您拿行李。

  O Its very convenient to travel from the airport to the downtown area. 从机场到市区十分方便。

  The car has already been waiting for us. This way, please. 车已经在等我们了。这边请。

  还可以这样说: O Please wait for me here. I am going to the parking lot to drive my car. 请在这儿等我。我去停车场开车。

  O Lets go to the parking lot directly. Our car is waiting there.我们直接去停车场吧。我们的车在那里等着。

  O Will you please take your baggage and follow me? The taxis waiting outside. 请带上行李随我来好吗?出租车在外面等着呢。

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