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更新时间:2024-04-27 19:38:16


  A: Good evening, sir. What can I do for you? B: Good evening. Im wondering if you can keep my valuables? A: Yes. We have a treasure room for guests. But this service is not free. B: Of course not. So do I need to bring my valuables here or directly to the treasure room? A: To the treasure room, please. Here is phone number of the treasure room. B: Great. A friend of mine is going to have dinner with me at the restaurant tomorrow evening. Do you have valet parking service? A: Yes, we do. Your friend just need to go to the restaurant and there will be valets. B: Okay, I see. By the way, do you offer foreign currency exchange service? I have some Korean Won, and I want to exchange them into RMB. A: Sorry, the foreign currency exchange office here dont accept Korean Won.We only accept USD, GBP, EUR and JPY.

  A:晚上好,先生。我能帮您什么呢? B:晚上好。我想问一下你们能不能帮我保管贵重物品? A:可以。我们有客人的贵重物品保管室。但是这项服务不是免费的。 B:当然。所以我需要把贵重物品带到这里还是直接送到贵重物品保管室? A:请直接去贵重物品保管室。这是保管室的电话号码。 B:太好了。我的一位朋友明天晚上要来餐厅跟我吃晚饭,你们提供代泊车服务吗? A:是的,我们提供的。您的朋友直接去餐厅就可以了,那边有代泊车的服务人员。 B:好的,我知道了。顺便问一句,你们有外汇兑换服务吗?我有一些韩元想要兑换成人民币。 A:不好意思,我们外汇兑换巾心不接受韩元。我们只兑换美元、英镑、欧元和日元。



  We have a treasure room for guests. 我们有客人的贵重物品保管室。

  还可以这样说: O We have safe boxes for guests in their rooms.客人的房间里有保险箱。

  O Guests can rent the safe.客人可以租用保险箱。

  O There is a safe box in the bedroom of each president suite.每个总统套房的卧室里面有一个保险箱。

  Your friend just need to go to the restaurant and there will be valets. 您的朋友直接去餐厅就可以了,那边有代泊车的服务人员。

  还可以这样说: O The valet parking service is free, but youd better tip the valets.代泊车服务是免费的,但是您需要给服务人员小费。

  O You will see a sign with Valet Parking near the restaurant.您会在餐厅附近看到一个牌子上面写着代泊车。

  O The valet parking service is not available now.现在暂时没有代泊车服务。

  We only accent USD. GBP. EUR and JPY. 我们只兑换美元、英镑、欧元和日元。

  还可以这样说: 0 We have foreign exchange service, but we charge service fee.我们有外汇兑换服务,但是我们收取服务费用.

  0 The foreign currency exchange center is on the 2nd floor, and the opening hour is9:00-20:00.外汇兑换中心在二楼,营业时间是早上九点到晚上八点。

  0 We dont have the foreign currency exchange service, but there is a bank just around the corner.我们没有外币兑换服务,但是拐角处就有一家银行。

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