查英语 >英语学习 >口语学习 >出租车英语口语


更新时间:2024-04-27 18:11:30

  1.Call me a taxi, please.叫车。 Will you show me how to take a taxi?/Call me a taxi, please. Can I get back to my hotel quickly from here by taxi? Can I catch a taxi any place I like?/Can I stop a taxi on the street?

  情景对话 A:Please get me a taxi.请帮我叫辆出租车。 B:Yes, sir. Whats your room number, please?And where do you want to go?好的,先生.请问您的房间号码是多少?您要去哪里?

  A:My room number is 3028,and I will go to the Sams club.我的房间号码是3028,我要去Sam俱乐部。 B:Yes, sir. The number of your taxi is NY0668.好的,先生。您的出租车车牌号是NY0668.

  A:Thanks, how long will I have to wait?谢谢,我要等多久? B:Im afraid they are very busy. It may be about ten minutes.恐怕他们很忙。 可能要等10分钟左右。


  2. Taxi stand出租车招呼站 Where can I get a taxi?/Where is the taxi stand? You will find a taxi stand on the street corner. Is that a taxi stand over there?Is there a taxi stand near here? Is this taxi free?

  3.Asking for help carrying luggage.请求帮拿行李。 Taxi!Taxi!Could you help me load this luggage in the trunk? Where are the bags? What did you bring with you?Your whole house? Could you help me with my luggage? Could you help me put the luggage in the trunk?

  4. Ill help you.我来帮您。 Would you like any help?/Can I put these bags in the trunk? Let me help you with your luggage./Can I help you?

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