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更新时间:2024-04-27 15:05:08




  (1)认识公司员工 Paul? I ve got a few thoughts I wanted to share with you, if you don t mind. 保罗,我有些想法想跟你谈谈,如果你不介意的话。 Of course not, Mrs. Porter. What were you thinking? 当然不会,波特夫人。您有什么想法? Well, I was thinking that it might be a good idea if you went around and got to know people a bit.Since you re new here, it might help people to adjust. 是这样,我想如果你能四处走走多接触些人,也许会很好。由于你刚来,这样做可以帮助大家尽快适应。 That s a good idea, Mrs. Porter. I 11 start on it tomorrow. Thank you. 这是个好主意,波特夫人,我明天就开始这么办。谢谢。 (2)听取客户意见 Rich, I know you re kind of new in this business and I want to give you some advice. 里奇,我知道在这种业务上你还有点生疏,我想给您点忠告。 Yes, Mr. Parks?您请说,帕克斯先生? You have to listen to what the client asks for. What you have just shown me is not at all in line with the client s wishes. 你必须倾听客户要的是什么。你给我看的东西与客户的要求毫不相干。 I m sorry, Mr. Parks. Could you tell me where the problems are exactly? Maybe I misunderstood the client s intentions. 对不起,帕克斯先生。您能告诉我问题到底在哪儿吗?也许我误解了客户的意图。


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