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更新时间:2024-04-27 16:37:42




  Come in, Tony. So,youre late again, aren t you? Well, let me tell you a thing or two. There s no room in our company for such behavior. Do you want to get a reputation for having a bad attitude? It seems you choose to ignore your responsibilities at your job here. Aren t you ashamed of yourself? 托尼,进来。你又迟到了,不是吗?让我告诉你一些事情,我们公司可不容许你这种行为。你想弄个工作态度不良的罪名吗?看来你 似乎有意忽略你在这里工作上的责任,你自己难道不觉得羞耻吗? Well, sir, I呢,老板,我 Don t give me that. You know, Tony, you really astonish me. Such an intelligent young man with no ambition. It s quite evident to me that you ve lost interest in the quality of your work. It s always been my philosophy that one must show a substantial amount of enthusiasm at his job if one doesn t want to be replaced. And you ve shown nothing but a negative attitude at your job. Now, Tony, I must be frank with you, if you continue to neglect your duties, you re fired. There are a lot of young men who would be more than pleased with your job. 少来这套。你可知道,托尼,你实在令我想不到,这么聪明的年轻人居然没有抱负。我很明显看出你对你的工作的成果已失去了兴趣。我的观点一直是这样的:如果一个人不想被取代的话,他一定要对他的工作表现出相当的热心。而你所表现的却只是对工作的消极态度。好了,托尼,我必须和你说实话,如果你再继续忽视你的职责,你就得走了。很多年轻人很乐意干你的工作。 But, sir, please let me explain。可是,老板,让我解释啊! No, Tony. It s much too late for that. You ve been late eight times since we ve hired you. I ve got good reason to fire you right now. But I 11 give you one last chance: either you come to work on time every day and improve the quality of your work, or you can just find yourself another place of employment. You must be attentive in order to work here. 不,托尼,太迟了。我们雇用你以来,你已迟到八次了。我有非常好的理由现在就辞掉你。但我将给你后一次机会。你要每天准时来上班,并改善你的工作质量,不然你可以替自己找另外的工作,你要在此工作就必须全神贯注。 I will be, sir. You won t regret this decision. I promise you that from now on my job will be foremost with me, and I wish to apologize for my past folly. 我会的,老板,你不会对这个决定后悔的,我确保,从今以后,我会把我的工作放在第一,同时我希望能为以前的愚蠢道歉。


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