查英语 >英语作文范文 >一个淘气的男孩ANaughtyBoy


更新时间:2024-04-26 23:02:44

  There is a boy who lives next to me, but he annoys everyone,because he paints so many words on the wall, which is the impolited act. Though people have talked to his parents many times, the boy is still very naughty. Someday, I see this boy washing away the words, he has changed. What a surprise, it is good for him to become a better person.有一个男孩住在我隔壁,但是他让大家都感到烦恼,因为他涂了很多单词在墙上,这是不礼貌的行为。虽然人们跟他父母讲了很多次,但是那个男孩还是很淘气。有一天,我看见这个男孩在洗掉那些涂上的词,他已经改变了。这是多么大的一个惊喜啊,他成为了一个更好的人,这是好事。

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