查英语 >英语作文范文 >快乐的假期AGoodHoliday


更新时间:2024-04-26 14:28:10

  Since the golden week comes, I will be very happy, because my parents and I will spend the time together. We wont go far because of the increasing number of peole. Thus, we choose to barbecue in the park. It is a family gathering. We talk and play very happily. My uncles come and share the great moment with us.黄金周快要来了,我很高兴,因为我的父母会跟我一起度过这个假期。我们不会去很远的地方,因为旅游的人越来越多,所以我们选择在公园里烧烤。这是一个家庭聚会,我们愉快地聊天,玩得很高兴。我的叔叔们也来和我们一起分享这个快乐的时刻。