查英语 >英语作文 > 高中英语作文 >我的铅笔盒Mypencil-box


更新时间:2024-04-28 07:40:11

  I have a pencil-box. Its very beautiful. I bought it in a shop. I had kept it for one year. It cost me twenty-four yuan.I like it very much.This pencil-box is made of metal. Its rather exquisite. On the face of the pencil-box, there are two pigs.One is Miss Pig. The other is Mr Pig.They look like being good friends. They get on very well with each other.The female is looking at herself in a mirror. She is in a red skirt and she looks very beautiful.The male is looking at her with a smile on his face. It seems that hes happily proud to be her best friend.Open the pencil-box, you can see some ball-pens, a ruler,an eraser and other stationery. Usually, I use them.Sometimes, I lend them to my classmates. I like them very much, you know. Theyre my good friends.我有一个铅笔盒。它非常漂亮。我在一家商店买的。已经有一年了。它花了我20元。我非常喜欢。这个铅笔盒是金属做的。它很精致。在铅笔盒的表面有两只小猪.一只是猪小姐。另一只是猪先生,他们看起来像是好朋友。他们太好相互依存女性看着镜子中的自己。她穿着红色的裙子,她看起来非常漂亮.男孩看着她带着微笑的脸。他似乎很幸福和骄傲因为她是最好的朋友。打开铅笔盒,你可以看到一些支圆珠笔,一把尺子,一块橡皮和其他文具。通常情况下,我使用.有时候,我借他们给我同学。我非常喜欢他们,你知道,他们是我的好朋友。