查英语 >英语阅读 >有减就有曾:10招让你迅速增肥!


更新时间:2024-04-27 09:24:56


  No.10 Down the fruit juice


  If you’re looking for a quick way to put on weight, start downing glass after glass of fruit juice. While often thought to be a healthy beverage, it's really anything but. It contains far too many carbs to be on a fat-loss or weight-maintenance diet and what's worse is that a large portion of these carbs will be fructose, which gets converted to body fat much quicker since it can't be stored in the muscle cells. Solution? Opt for water, milk or green tea.

  想立马长肉?那就猛灌果汁吧。人们通常以为果汁是健康饮料,殊不知它恰恰相反。果汁热量极高,远大于每日所需,更糟的是,内含大量的果糖,会首先被转化成脂肪,而只有少量才会储存在肌肉里。那我该喝什么?喝水、牛奶或是绿茶吧。 1/10 123456下一页尾页