查英语 >英语学习 >英语面试 >要求升迁面试常用表达


更新时间:2024-04-27 19:51:26

  做一份工作做了很久,是不是想要一个升迁的机会呢?虽然公司每年都会做一些人事上的调整,但是这个升迁的机会你也可以自己争取哦!记住:等待可是等不来馅饼的。下面是一些要求升迁面试中常用的表达,请大家多多使用。1. I've worked here as a typist for about a year,and I'd like to have a chance for advancement.

  我在此已做打字员一年了,我期望一个升迁的机会。2. I would like to have a chance to get ahead.

  我希望有一个提升的机会。3. I'd like to have a chance of a pay raise.

  我希望加薪水。4. What job are you applying for?

  你要求做什么工作?5. I'd like a secretarial job in the clerical department.

  我希望到办公部门做秘书事务工作。6. I'd like an office job in the personnel department.

  我希望到人事部门做办公室工作。7. Do you understand the duties?

  你知道那项工作包括什么?8. I'm not quite sure,but I think it should be typing,filing and answering phones.

  我不十分清楚,但我想应包括打字、管理文件和接电话等工作。9. I'm not sure,but I think it should be collecting orders,and sending products.

  我不十分清楚,但我想应该包括收集订单和发货物。10. OK. You have the seniority and I know you can do the job.

  好,你具备应有资历,你会把工作做好的。11. Do you understand probation?

  你了解公司的试用期情况吗?12. Yes, I think so.

  是的,我知道。13. I have 30 days to learn the job, right?

  我需要在30天内学会新工作,对吗?14. That's right.

  没错。15. I'll try my best to learn the new job.

  我将尽力做好新工作。16. I'll try my best to better the company's position.
