查英语 >英语考试作文 >托福范文 >实例讲解托福写作考试中模板使用方法


更新时间:2024-04-25 18:33:14

  .content {font-size:16px !important;font-family:Tahoma,"Simsun" ;line-height:28px !important;color:#333;}.content p {font-size:16px !important;padding:0 15px !important;margin:20px 0 !important;text-align:left;} 在学生备考托福作文的过程中,网络上经典的托福作文范文一般都会是大家首选对象。不过,托福范文TOEFL写作栏目也建议大家,OG作为唯一一本ETS官方发布的考试资料,也应该要好好研究。大家可以通过OG中托福作文范文,从中总结托福写作模板。将其托福作文范文修改润色后成为自己的模板,在托福综合写作中灵活运用。以下就为大家介绍一下,写作模板的修改。

  Writing Samples

  Writing Sample 1 (OG -- 284)

  The lecture completely refutes the passage. It is said in the lecture that, the perceived acts of altruism are nothing more than sneaky methods of gaining advantage for one's self. (听力观点,听力阅读之间的关系)

  Contrary to the belief in the passage that sentinels risk their lives for the cause of the whole group, the professor says that the meerkat sentinels are in fact less prone to threats. The alarm sentinels give off causes to group to move rashly which draw the predator's attention towards them, thus drawing away the attention from the sentinels. -------------(阅读内容+听力驳斥)

  The lecture refutes the fact that these meerkats are altruistic in the sense that they gain nothing in exchange of their services. In fact, researches have shown that they have a full stomach as they perform this altruism duty and have a better chance of escaping from danger because they witness it first. ----------------------------------------------------------------(阅读内容+听力驳斥)

  Professor also offers a different underlying motivation that causes people to believe that acts such as donating an organ or sharing food with someone in need are altruistic. She says that people gain appreciation as a results of such acts, which may be deemed by some much more important than materialistic gains. -------------------------------------------(阅读内容+听力驳斥)
