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更新时间:2024-04-24 09:34:20

  题目:Certification: A Way to Prove Oneself


  Nowadays many students will choose to study for some kind of certi cation and it has been recognized as a way to prove ones ability. Write on Answer Sheet Two a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:

  Certi cation: A Way to Prove Oneself

  You are to write in three parts.

  In the rst part, state speci cally what your idea is.

  In the second part, provide reasons to support your opinion OR describe your idea.

  In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.


  本题是一道分析利弊/差异型的题目,要求论述证书对学生的重要性 :证书是证明自己的一种方式。因此,本文的侧重点是证书是如何证明自己的,可以从以下方面论述 :

  其一 ,证书是学习能力的证明;

  其二 ,证书是积极进取的证明;

  其三 ,证书是兴趣广泛的证明。

  Certi cation: A Way to Prove Oneself

  For a growing number of Chinese people, the most productive thing to do with ones spare time is to study for some kind of certification. From languages to business skills to teaching, certi cations act as proof of ones interest, attitude and ability. More and more, a resume with degrees and work experiences looks a bit boring; certi cations are like accessories they complete the out t.

  引言部分:作者提出了考证热这个现象,并亮出观点:证书是一个人兴趣爱好 、学习态度和学习能力的证明,因此 ,概括了主体部分将重点论述的方面。

  Certifications accomplish several purposes. First, they show employers that one is diversi ed. While ones interest is not limited to only one major, he will win himself more chances of jobs than others, which is likely to result in a good-paying job and better employability. Besides, certi cations indicate that the owner is proactive; he is not sitting around in his spare time. Instead, he is constantly looking to improve himself. This is what sets one applicant apart from the rest when applying for a sought-after position.

  Whats more important is that the certifications prove that the person has great potential as he is good at study and has a good sense of balance. He has made an effort to learn more skills while keeping focused on his major or occupation.

  主体部分:作者采用的是总分式结构,先概述证书能起到几个作用 ,然后具体分述了三方面的作用:证书证明兴趣广泛,可以带来