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更新时间:2024-04-18 16:37:31


  Do put yourself on a diet, otherwise youll be too fat. 你一定要节食,不然你就太胖了。

  I cant bear eating less. 少吃东西我可受不了。

  But I think!Ive eaten too much. 但我想我吃得太多了。

  Are you on a diet now? 你现在正在节食吗?

  You need to diet. 你需要节食。

  Youve got to eat the things on the list. 你只能吃单子上列出的食物。

  I diet at lunch time. 我午饭节食。

  The doctor put her on a diet. 医生限制她的饮食。

  Do you think going on a diet is a good way to keep fit? 你认为节食是保持健康的好方法吗?

  Whats your weight? 你体重是多少?

  My weight has dropped from 150 pounds to 120. 我的体重已从150镑降到120镑了。

  Ive lost weight in spite of my good appetite. 我尽管食欲很好,但体重下降了。

  Are you still using the sliming pills? 你还吃减肥药吗?


  Im afraid Im putting on weight. 恐怕我现在体重增加了。

  I have to watch my weight. 我不得不注意我的体重了。

  Im gaining weight these days. 我近的体重在增加。

  Its ridiculous for you to try to lose weight. 你减肥真是太荒唐了。


  A: Oh,my god. My weight has gone up again. B: Im not surprised. You eat too much. A: And I suppose sitting at a desk all day at the office doesnt help. B: No,!wouldnt think so. A: I do wish I could lose weight. B: Well,why dont you go on a diet? A: Ive tried diets before but theyve never worked. B: Perhaps you should exercise more. Why dont you go to an exercise class? A: Yes,maybe I should.

  A:天哪,我又胖了。 B:一点也不奇怪。你吃得太多了。 A:我想,整天在办公室坐在桌旁没有什么好处。 B:是的,我也这么认为。 A:我真希望减点肥。 B:嗯,你为什么不节食呢? A:我试过,但不起作用。 B:也许你该多锻炼。为什么不去健美班呢? A:是的,也许我该去健美班。

上一篇: 业余爱好的英语 下一篇: 谈恋爱常用英语