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更新时间:2024-04-19 22:44:48



  Could I have another table put in my room?请问我能否在我的房间里加一张桌子? Here are your blanket and pillows.给您毛毯和枕头。 Could I have one more bedside lamp, please?我能再要一个床头灯吗? Anything else I can do for you?还有别的事需要我帮忙吗? Can you bring me two more cups?能多给我两个杯子吗? Im sorry that your kettle is empty.很抱歉您的水壶空了。 I would like to borrow an iron and an ironing board.我想借一个熨斗和熨衣板。 May I have a hair dryer?可以给我一个吹风机吗? 美联英语精心挑选各种场合对话,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习会话,让我们开始进入客房服务英语对话的情景中吧。

  G: Could I have another table put in my room? 请问我能否在我的房间里加一张桌子? S: Certainly, sir. Ill bring it to your Room as soon as possible当然可以,先生。我尽快把它搬到您的房间。 G: And a chair, please. 还有请帮我拿一把椅子。 S: OK. I will be there right away, sir. 好的。我马上就来,先生。 G: Id like to use my hair dryer, but its 220 volts. Do you have a converter I could use? 我想使用我的吹风机,但它是220伏特的,你们有我可以使用的变频器吗? S: Yes, we do, maam. But Im afraid another guest is using it now. We can lend you a hairdryer instead. 是的,我们有,女士。但是现在有客人正用着,我们可以借一个吹风机给您。 G: Fine. Could you bring it soon? 好的,可以马上送过来吗? S: Certainly, maam. Ill send someone immediately. 好的,女士。我立刻派人送过去。 G: Could I have one more sheet, please? 请问我可以再要一张被单吗? S: I will get one for you immediately, madam. 我立刻给您送过去,女士。

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