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更新时间:2024-04-20 02:11:30


  A: Hello, Jack. What happened?You look very upset. B: Im in good shape, but my job is not very good. A: Whats bothering you? B: I made a mistake and then tried to cover it,but I failed, and my boss found it. A: Its a pain in the neck, why dont you just own up and tell someone? B: I was too scared that I would be fired.You know that I really like this job. A: But you know .when you have made a mistake, it is important to tell someone so that it can be fixed. B:I wished I had heard what you said earlier. I think I will do better next time. A: You wont do that again. Youre not a fool,and only fools make the same mistake twice. B: As always you are the bright one with the good advice. A: But remember, even the brightest person makes mistakes sometimes! B: I got it. A:And what will you do to coned your mistake? B: I dont know, I have no other choice. A: Dont just shake you head, youve gotto do something. B: Ill do. Ill give you my word.

  A:你好,杰克。发生什么事了?你看起来很沮丧。 B:我的身体状况很好,但是我的工作就不太妙了。 A:什么在困扰你? B:我做错了事又试图掩盖它,但是没成功,还是被老板发现了。 A:那真是件麻烦事,为什么你不坦白相告呢? B:我害怕被解雇。你知道的,我真的很喜欢这个工作。 A:但是,你要知道,犯错时重要的就是要说出来,这样问题才能得到解决呀。 B:要是我能早听到这番话就好了。我想下次我会做得更好的。 A:你不会再做错了,你不是傻瓜.只有傻瓜才会重复同样的错误。 B:你总是那么聪明,能提出一些好建议。 A:但是要记住,就算聪明的人也有犯错时候。 B:我知道了。 A:接下来你想怎么补救呢? B:我不知道,我别无选择。 A:别总是摇头,你一定要想想办法。 B:我会的。我跟你确保。


  常用例句 1. Sorry to bother you.抱歉打扰你。

  2. Whats the rush?什么事那么匆忙?

  3. I couldnt agree more.我完全同意.

  4. Lets forgive and forget.让我们摈弃前嫌。

  5. I hope it turns out all right.我希望结果很好。

  6. How long will it take to have this TV fixed?修理这台电视机需要多久?

  7. Your face tells it all.你的表情透露了一切.

  8. I hope this will teach you a lesson.希望这会给你一个教训。

  9. Youve got to do something.你一定要想办法.

  10. Its a hard job, but I hope he can make it.这工作不容易,但我希望他能做.

  11. Somethings come up.出事了。

  12. Lets get to the point.让我们来谈要点.

  13. Keep that in mind.记住那件事.

  14. Lets keep in touch.我们保持联系吧。

  15. Im behind in my work.我工作进度落后了。

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