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更新时间:2024-04-20 08:24:59




  English Corner

  English Corner is very useful to learn to communicate in English. Learning a foreign language requires four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The English Corner is a wonderful place to practise both listening and speaking.

  English Corner is also a good place to meet new friends. When I went to English Corner last Sunday, I came across a variety of people, who all had one thing in common; that is they wanted to communicate in English. So the atmosphere was relaxing.

  English Corner enlarges our would. As we listen to foreigners talking about their countries and customs, we learn many things that we can't learn from books.


  本文第一段是总领段,点明了English Corner 在英语学习中的地位和作用。紧接着简单介绍了English Corner如何在我们英语学习中发挥作用。全篇文章结构紧凑,语句连贯,无华丽词汇之堆砌,但文章中心却表达的清晰而明确。