查英语 >英语阅读 >互联网是你升职的最大障碍?


更新时间:2024-04-19 11:51:06

  NEW YORK (Reuters) - People concerned about their careers should be extra careful about what they post on the Internet during a recession, career counselors say.

  路透纽约8月6日电(记者 David Gregorio)---职业顾问表示,在经济衰退时期,那些担心自己饭碗不保的人更应小心他们在网络上的一举一动。

  Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs and other venues present numerous opportunities to sabotage your hunt for a job or promotion at a time when employers can afford to be picky.


  With social media, you can be vapid, boring and annoying with alarming frequency, Patricia Vaccarino, owner of a Seattle public relations firm, warned clients in a newsletter.

  Vaccarino said many of her Facebook friends have posted in great detail about their colonoscopies, dead teeth pulled, dead dogs, flatulence, adult acne, marital breakups, battles with mental illnesses and drinking problems.

  西雅图一家公关公司负责人Patricia Vaccarino表示,她在Facebook上的很多好友都曾把自己做结肠镜检查、拔牙、家里的狗去世、肠胃气胀、长粉刺、婚姻破裂、精神出问题、酗酒等等生活私事“原原本本地”抖落出来。

  If this information can make friends cringe, she added, imagine the impression it would make on a potential employer.
