查英语 >英语阅读 >测试下自己是否属于轻熟女


更新时间:2024-04-25 16:22:17

  年过30还单身无子女的女人,在日本被称为“败犬”,但这个群体在澳洲以及英国,却有另一种正面的称号——Twit。Twit是英文缩写,意思是:有着少年心境的30多岁女子(Teenage Woman in Her Thirties or Teenage Women in Their Thirties)。美国女星Cameron Diaz卡梅隆·迪亚兹被视为代表人物之一。现年36岁的迪亚兹说,她现在并不想要小孩。

  和有Peter Pan syndrome彼得潘症候群的男人一样,Twit不急着长大和组建家庭。不仅如此,Twit选择像青少年一样,尽情享受自由。就算日前有妇产科医生提醒年过35岁的妇女因流产几率高a higher chance of miscarriage,怀孕要格外小心,但Twit似乎不以为然。不少Twit都是在超过37岁,甚至在41或42岁才怀孕生子。

  许多大牌明星都是高龄产妇,比如Nicole Kidman妮可·基德曼和Mariella Frostrup玛丽拉·弗罗斯拉普,前者在41岁拥有了第一个孩子,而后者在41岁和43岁分别生了两个孩子。明星们的举动正在affecting women's views。

  澳洲模特Kelly Johns凯莉·琼斯在一场派对上,直言自己是Twit,“If I found the right man I would settle down and have kids, but I am not going to sit around at home waiting.如果遇到对的人,我会和他养儿育女,但是我不会坐在家里空等。”她说遇到Mr.Right前,要好好享受无拘无束的生活I am here to have good clean fun, party it up and live my life. 。

  在澳大利亚墨尔本经营夜店“猎人”(Chasers)的老板贾诺拉斯,也注意到这股潮流。他说:“店里30多岁的女客Generation X women比以前多。她们多半是上班族,而且都很辣,看得出她们有上健身房的习惯。打扮得无懈可击,自信、聪明、风趣兼备。”

  分析社会趋势的澳大利亚心理学家麦昆道认为,Twit不会是昙花一现的热潮the TWIT phenomenon was here to stay,“We don't look up to older people the way we did last century现在的人不再以上个世纪的标准去衡量年纪较长的人了”。

  So are you a Twit? Take our quiz to find out …那么你是Twit吗?做个下面的小测试吧。

  (1)Who is your ideal man? 你理想中的对象?

  a) That hot twenty-something at the gym. 健身房里20几岁的壮男

  b) Brad Pitt. 布拉德·皮特

  c) Your husband. 你(未来)的丈夫

  (2)What is your favourite way to spend an evening? 你最喜欢如何渡过夜晚的时光?

  a) Have a meal with a hot twenty-something, drinks in a trendy bar, then a taxi back to his place then back to my own bed in the early hours.


  b) Doesn't matter as long as I'm hand-in-hand with my man.


  c) Takeaway so I don't have to cook, a DVD, then an early night so I can catch up on sleep.


  (3)What is your favourite film? 你最喜欢的电影?

  a) I don't go to the cinema--I'd rather be out meeting people.


  b) The English Patient, it's sooo romantic.


  c) Anything but rom-coms.

  除了爱情喜剧,什么都看。 1/2 12下一页尾页