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相处时间太长 情侣也日久生厌

更新时间:2024-04-19 20:57:58

  Many of us, because of our busy schedules, complain about too little time with our spouses or partners. Here's a typical day: dealing with the hectic morning routine, getting the kids off to school, a quick peck on the cheek, traffic-filled commute to the office, a long, stressful work day, rush hour commute home, hectic dinner/bathtime routine, off to the computer to check email/pay bills, and then collapsing, exhausted, into bed. Days like this are why some of us feel the need to schedule in dedicated 'date nights' to get in some quality time with our significant others.


  But some couples can face the opposite problem, too much togetherness, as my colleague Elizabeth Bernstein writes about in her Bonds column. Of course, retirees and empty-nesters have long dealt with such adages as 'half as much money─and twice as much spouse.' Couples who work together or who both work from home also face potential togetherness overload. But now, thanks to the recession and the millions of layoffs it has spurred, many younger couples far from retirement age are discovering that being together 24/7 can be a recipe for disaster. When one spouse (or both) stops working, the impact on the relationship can be profound.

  但一些夫妇面临的问题可能刚好相反,他们在一起的时间太多了。我的同事伯恩斯坦(Elizabeth Bernstein)就在自己的专栏中提到过这种情况。当然了,退休人员和空巢者早就有了“收入减半、老伴加倍”这类的说法。为同一家公司工作或是都在家工作的夫妇也可能会有在一起的时间太多的问题。但现在,由于经济衰退和由此引发的裁员大潮,许多远远没有到退休年龄的年轻夫妇也发现,一天到晚待在一块儿也会成为灾难的源头。当两个人中的一方(或双方)停止工作时,会对两个人的关系产生深远的影响。

  Layoffs, of course, bring their own stresses, such as financial worries and a loss of professional identity, which can only exacerbate even the strongest of relationships. When money is tight, couples─many of whom plan their lives around two incomes─often argue, blaming each other for things such as poor career management, insufficiently rigorous job hunting or overspending, Ms. Bernstein writes. Couples must contend with new routines to their days─or a disorienting lack of structure. Even when couples are supportive of each other, sitting home all day without a job can cause even the most respectful couples to go stir crazy and become needy.
