查英语 >英语阅读 >中国城记:南京和世界紧紧相连


更新时间:2024-04-26 01:48:27

  “In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue” is how the children’s nursery rhyme begins. However, more than 90 years before the Nina, the Pi?ta and the Santa Maria, a Chinese Muslim eunuch born in poverty ascended the ranks of the great naval powerhouse of the Ming Dynasty. His name was Zheng He and his skills as an ambassador and navigator helped to spread the glory of the Ming Dynasty over much of the known world.



  Zheng He was born in the southwestern province of Yunnan but is forever associated with the great capital of Nanjing. It was the third Ming Emperor Zhu Di who found favor with Zheng and recognized his intelligence and diplomatic skills. This respect from the imperial throne solidified Zheng a place in Chinese history and contributed to one of the greatest periods of exploration.

  郑和出生于云南省的西南部,少时在皇子朱棣身边长大,后跟随朱棣南征北战,并为朱棣成为大明朝第三位皇帝建立功勋。所以,郑和深得朱棣的信任和赏识。来自帝王的尊重,巩固了郑和在当时的政治地位,加上他的杰出才智和外交技能,开创了中国最伟大的航海探索时期。郑和,把南京和世界紧紧相连起来。 1/3 123下一页尾页