查英语 >英语阅读 >影院窥私相机拍观众失态表情引争议


更新时间:2024-04-25 20:01:47

  Scared out of your seat by the latest horror film? Or gushing with tears at this year’s must-see weepie? Soon advertisers will be able to monitor your reaction to a film and fine-tune their adverts to make them more effective.


  The move will alarm filmgoers who are uncomfortable with having their reactions analysed while some critics have likened the idea to 'harvesting people's emotions'.


  Machine Vision Lab's Dr Abdul Farooq, who is leading the project, said: ‘We plan to build on the capabilities of current technology used in cinemas to detect criminals making pirate copies of films with video cameras.‘We want to devise instruments that will be capable of collecting data that can be used by cinemas to monitor audience reactions to films and adverts and also to gather data about attention and audience movement.’

  参与发明这款相机的面部识别专家Dr Abdul Farooq说:“这项技术本来是为了防止电影盗版,为了捕捉那些偷偷携带录影设备的不法分子。后来,我们发现这也是一种能捕捉观众对电影反映的好方法,正巧广告公司也要收集观众对电影的反映以此推出渲染力更强的广告。”

  The project will use 2D and 3D imaging technology to capture emotion on people’s faces and how the entire cinema audience reacts as a whole. The information gathered about how audiences react to films will be passed to advertising companies who can tailor their adverts accordingly.


  The technology will also be used to rout out pirates who are trying to secretly record films and then sell them on the black market.



  filmgoer n. 常看电影的人;影迷;上电影院的人