查英语 >英语阅读 >BBC有关奇虎360与腾讯QQ的报道


更新时间:2024-04-17 01:55:18

  Hundreds of millions of internet users must choose between China's top internet chat programme and its best selling internet security tool.


  They have been told they cannot have both, as a dispute between the two internet giants has escalated.


  The dispute has led to allegations of theft, involvement with pornography sites and even doing evil.


  China has the world's biggest - and fastest growing - online population with more than 400m users.


  In one corner of the ring is a company called Tencent. It runs China's most popular instant messaging service, called QQ. It says it runs more than one billion QQ accounts.

  这场大战的一方是腾讯 ,他们的产品是最受欢迎即时通讯服务,据称目前QQ用 户多达10亿。

  In the other is Qihoo 360, the maker of an antivirus tool that controls 70% of the market with software it gives away for free.


  The row started when Tencent encouraged users to download its own antivirus product.


  Qihoo 360 responded by accusing Tencent of stealing users' personal information.


  Then it got worse. There were allegations that Qihoo 360 was advertising on porn sites, that its software maliciously interfered with users' QQ accounts.

  战局升级。奇虎360被指称在色情网站上发布广告,且存在针对用户QQ户口的恶意源代码。 1/2 12下一页尾页