查英语 >英语阅读 >孕妇吃止痛药竟可致男婴生殖障碍


更新时间:2024-04-23 14:49:52

  Pregnant women who take painkillers such as paracetamol, aspirin and ibuprofen could put their unborn sons at risk of fertility problems, researchers warn.




  The study, by researchers from Denmark, Finland and France, looked at two groups of women who were questioned about their use of medication in pregnancy. The baby boys were examined at birth for any signs that the testes had failed to move into the scrotum before birth, ranging from mild to severe forms of the disorder.


  The study shows using the drugs during pregnancy may increase the risk of boys having undescended testicles, which can lead to poor sperm quality and testicular cancer in later life. Women who used more than one type of painkiller simultaneously at any time while pregnant increased the risk seven-fold, on average.

  研究结果发现,孕期服用止痛药可能增加男婴睾丸发育不完全的风险,进而影响将来的精子质量并诱发癌变。平均来讲,孕期任何阶段同时使用两种以上止痛药会将这种风险增大七成。 1/2 12下一页尾页