查英语 >英语阅读 >15条忠告让你的网恋更给力


更新时间:2024-04-24 17:07:55

  1) Use common sense and pay attention to your gut reaction. This is often the Holy Spirit in you, warning you that things may not be right。


  2) If he or she sounds too good to be true, he or she probably is to good to be true and isn’t being truthful on his or her profile。


  3) Listen and watch (by video) for signs of a temper, control, etc. and run for the hills if you sense this person needs therapy first. You aren’t going to change him or her. Let the person get help。



  4) Use a free email account with family name and something else. This way a person cannot search all your personal details。


  5) Ask for a RECENT picture and encourage the person to send candid shots for more realism. You don’t want major surprises when you meet. Awkward!


  6) If any one asks for money, do not give it. Most likely you are being scammed。


  7) Don’t reveal details of your personal life too soon and be careful what you reveal。

  7)别太快把自己的生活细节泄露给对方,多留意自己都说了些什么。 1/2 12下一页尾页