查英语 >英语阅读 >香港人新年前夜吃什么?


更新时间:2024-04-25 08:44:03


  If high-end restaurant bookings are a leading indicator of upscale consumer confidence, things are looking rosy in Hong Kong.


  A quick check with some of the S.A.R.'s leading western restaurants, including Michelin-starred establishments, showed that most were fully booked, with waiting lists, several weeks in advance of New Year's Eve.


  The standard New Year's Eve menu among these elite restaurants is a 6-9 course gastronomic dinner.


  At the Island Shangrila's Petrus, the price per person for a 6-course set menu was HK$3,988 plus 10% service charge. To secure a reservation requires submitting a signed credit card authorization form at least ten days in advance, with the applicable condition that no refund is possible once the reservation is confirmed.


  Over at the Mandarin Oriental Landmark's Amber, the 6-course gastronomic dinner costs HK$3,888 per person, plus 10% service charge. A 5-glass wine pairing option would cost an additional HK$2,012 per person, plus 10% service charge.


  Amber's booking form states that Children under 12 are not recommended. (It’s open to interpretation whether that refers to having them at all, or just bringing them to dinner here.)

  Amber餐厅的预定表上赫然写着:“不鼓励12岁以下小童。”(也不知应该理解为压根儿不该有这样小的孩子,还是指不该带他们到这儿吃饭。) 1/2 12下一页尾页