查英语 >英语阅读 >如何跟你讨厌的人打交道


更新时间:2024-04-20 19:25:37



  1. Listen。


  A lot of conflicts are based in misunderstandings, so always make sure you’re getting everything, It can be easy enough to tune someone out when they annoy you; the trick is to use careful questioning to focus the other person on the topic at hand so they give you what you need and avoid straying too far. Poor listening leads to misunderstandings that need clarification – which means more time spent with someone you’d really rather not be around。


  2. Repeat everything。


  Besides the tendency to tune out people you’d rather avoid, our feelings about another person can color our perception of what they’re saying. To avoid this, repeat back any instructions, questions, or other problems they pose to you to make sure you absolutely understand what they’re saying. Give them a chance to correct you before you go off half-cocked, sure you know what “that kind of person” wants。


  3. Keep your cool。


  It’s tempting to want to argue with people who rub you the wrong way, or to lose it and start pointing out their faults. Don’t do that! Unless they’re wrong about something that directly and materially affects you, don’t bother – starting a debate or, worse, an argument will only prolong your agony – and neither of you is likely to change your mind. Save the debates for when you’re with friends whose opinions matter to you。


  4. Be clear about boundaries。


  You don’t have to be friends with everyone. Which means you don’t have to do favors for everyone who asks. If someone’s encroaching on your time, simply tell them, “I’m sure this is important to you but it simply isn’t a priority for me right now. I really need to work on x and not y。” Again, there’s no need to be mean, just redirect the conversations whenever conversation drifts into areas that aren’t relevant and where you know you’ll be annoyed。

  你不需要和每个人都成为朋友。这就意味着:你没必要取悦每一个人。假如有人想占用你的时间,直接告诉ta:“我知道这事儿对您来说很重要,但是现在我还有别的本职的事儿要做。” 并不是教你变得冷漠无情,我的意思是:每当话题扯远了、或是即将触碰到你底线的这种时候,灵活地再把它扯回来就行。 1/2 12下一页尾页