查英语 >英语阅读 >为什么我们老是记不住别人的名字?


更新时间:2024-04-19 21:41:07


  There's little doubt that people's names are hard to remember. No, it's not just you, research suggests there's something unusual about names which makes them particularly tricky to recall. Indeed some researchers suggest that people's given names are the most difficult of all words to learn.


  One study gave participants fake names and biographies to study. Then they were tested on what they could remember. Here are the percentages for different pieces of information that were recalled:


  Jobs: 69% 职业 69%

  Hobbies: 68% 爱好 68%

  Home towns: 62% 家乡 62%

  First names: 31% 名字 31%

  Last names: 30% 姓氏 30%

  So names are more difficult to remember than what people do, what their hobbies are and where they come from. And, you won't be surprised to hear, as we age, most of us get even worse at remembering names.


  But, why?


  All kinds of theories have been put forward. One is that lots of us have the same names. People guess that common first names like 'John' and surnames like 'Smith' are more difficult to remember because, on our minds, one John Smith interferes with another.


  Counter-intuitively, though, some research suggests common names are easier to recall than unusual names. Other research suggests the opposite so it's not exactly clear what is going on.

  也许没想到的是,有研究表明大众化的姓名比那些不常见的容易被记得住,而有研究得出的则是相反的结果,那人们就更搞不清是是非非了。 1/2 12下一页尾页