查英语 >英语阅读 >人人都该掌握的十大社交技巧


更新时间:2024-04-26 05:03:32

  Weve all watched them, in wonder: the happy-go-skippy social butterflies who are on everyone's must-invite guest list. They love the world and the world loves them back. What's their terrible secret?



  Bust a Mood


  To have fun, you've got to be fun. Sure, sometimes we are just not in the mood to be social, but I know you know how to fake it. And here's the weird part: Scientific research proves that putting a smile on your face will actually conjure the desire to feel like smiling. (And we know that smiling, like yawning, is contagious, so do it.)


  Create a Memory


  Do you have blank canvas jitters when walking into a party? So hide behind a camera. Taking snapshots is one of the quickest icebreakers in a social situation. And the cool part is distributing your catch later. Photos are the most cherished heirlooms, and with digital photography, you've got a billion chances to get the most amazing shot. The key is to avoid being a nudge, constantly telling everyone to get together. Just hold the camera above the crowd and snap wildly, randomly, intenselythe fun is seeing what you get when you upload the shots.

  刚刚走进一场party时你是不是会觉得大脑一片空白?那就躲到镜头后面去吧。给他人拍照是社交场合打破紧张气氛最快的方法之一。向别人派发你拍的照片多酷呀。照片是最值得珍藏的宝贝,而且有了数码摄影技术,你可以进行无数次尝试来获取一张最惊艳的照片。想要拍出好照片,秘密在于千万别唠叨个没完,让大家靠拢一点。你只需要对着人群举起相机,带着热情,随心随机拍摄就好。当你看到自己上传的照片时,就是拍照真正的乐趣。 1/5 12345下一页尾页