查英语 >英语阅读 >八招助你升职无障碍


更新时间:2024-04-20 11:24:10


  1. Do your job well. I know that this is stating the obvious but it is the starting point. For promotion it is a necessary but not a sufficientrequirement that you perform your current duties diligently. Many people think that this is all they need to do and that the rewards, recognition and promotion will follow. Corporate life is not fair in this sense. Many people do great work and are passed over. You need to excel in your current role and do much more to climb the ladder.


  2. Get noticed. One of the best ways to be promoted is if a senior manager in another department wants you. But this can only happen if they are aware of you. So you have to find ways to get in front of other people, particularly senior people, in a way that displays your good qualities and makes you memorable.


  3. Volunteer. If someone is needed to present a proposal on behalf ofyour department, volunteer. If members are needed for a cross-departmental task force, volunteer. If the social committee want someone to help organize the staff barbecue, volunteer. Take on additional responsibilities both inside and outside your department. This shows that you are willing to get involved and it gets you noticed.


  4. Discuss your ambitions with your manager. Make sure that your boss and your bosss boss know that you are keen to be promoted. Do not threaten or demand. Have a discussion where you ask the question, What do I have to do to get promoted? Develop a plan. Senior managers understand ambition and there is nothing wrong with being ambitious so make sure that they understand your goals.

  4、跟经理谈谈抱负。要让你的上司,和你上司的上司知道你想升职的强烈愿望,但不要向他们提出要求,甚至威胁他们。问出你的问题,和上司交流,我要做什么才能升职?然后展开规划。高层人士能理解雄心壮志的想法,有志向也没什么错,所以你要确保他们知道你的目标。 1/2 12下一页尾页