查英语 >英语阅读 >2013年,6条聪明的理财省钱建议


更新时间:2024-04-24 23:02:01


  Most financial-planning advice, like most New Year's resolutions, is too complex or too banal.


  Half of it is designed for Type-A drill sergeants who already alphabetize their refrigerators. The other half you've heard before.


  Let's assume you are already paying off your credit cards, contributing to your 401(k) at work and flossing after every meal.


  Here are six unusual, and doable, smart money moves for the new year.


  1. Work out your biggest savings goal.

  1. 弄清你的最大储蓄目标

  Many people working today are likely to live for three decades after they become eligible for Social Security, but few of them have a clue what that means financially.


  Just 42% of working-age Americans have even tried to calculate what they will need in retirement, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank.

  华盛顿智库员工福利研究所(Employee Benefit Research Institute)说,处于工作年龄的美国人仅有42%曾经尝试过计算退休后需要多少钱。

  The grim reality: 60% of them have less than $25,000 saved up, excluding the value of their home, and 30% have less than $1,000. Good luck with that.


  How much will you need? To replace your current income for 30 years, you would need -- assuming an investment return of three percentage points above inflation -- about 20 times one year's income. Social Security aims to replace about 40% of your annual income: By that yardstick you would need to save about 12 times your annual income before you retire.


  For a more precise number, use the Social Security Administration's retirement estimator. Subtract your expected annual benefit from your current yearly pay, and multiply by 20. 想要知道一个更精确的数字,可以使用社会安全局(Social Security Administration)提供的退休评估器。从你目前的年薪中减去你预期能领取的年度福利金,将差值乘以20就是退休后需要的资金。

  2. Ramp up your investments.

  2. 增加投资

  Open a Roth individual retirement account, if you don't have one already. You can invest up to $5,000 for 2012 and $5,500 for 2013 and a nonworking spouse can invest the same. If you are older than 50, add $1,000.


  Then invest some money in a fund, such as the WisdomTree Emerging Markets Small Cap Dividend exchange-traded fund (DGS), specializing in smaller-company stocks in emerging markets. It shouldn't be the whole of your portfolio, but it should be in there. This is likely to be a volatile growth investment.

  然后将部分资金投资一只基金,如专注投资新兴市场小型股的交易所买卖基金WisdomTree Emerging Markets Small Cap Dividend ETF。这虽然不该是你投资组合的全部,但应该成为其中的一个部分。这可能是一项波动性较大的增长投资。

  Emerging markets offer the best overall returns of any investment at the moment, according to two groups of experts who successfully predicted the last two financial crises: Research Affiliates, the investment advisory firm founded by Robert Arnott, and GMO, the fund company co-founded by Jeremy Grantham. GMO estimates that emerging markets offer an investment return over seven years of 50% plus inflation, handsomely beating any rival asset class.

  据两组成功预测过去两次金融危机的专家介绍,眼下新兴市场所能提供的整体回报是所有投资中最高的。这两组专家所供职的机构分别是Research Affiliates和GMO。前者是罗伯特阿诺特(Robert Arnott)成立的一家投资咨询公司。后者是杰瑞米格雷森(Jeremy Grantham)与他人共同创立的基金公司。GMO估计,如果算上通胀率,新兴市场在七年内提供的投资回报率可以达到50%,轻松击败任何与之竞争的资产类别。

  3. Try homemade month.

  3. 试着在家做饭一个月

  Say goodbye to the soy chai lattes, burritos, pastas primavera and Overflowing Bucket O' Fries (a genuine bar food item spotted in Boston). Pick a month -- any month -- and try not eating out at all, for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

  向豆奶印度拿铁、卷饼、蔬菜意大利面和Overflowing Bucket O的炸薯条(波士顿常见的一种酒吧食品)说再见吧。试着挑一个月(随便哪个月)完全在家用餐,早午晚三餐均是如此。

  It's not easy. But these meals add up.


  It costs you $10 to get a sandwich at work for lunch. It would cost you $2 in ingredients, and five minutes of time, to make that sandwich at home. Do you earn $96 an hour, after tax? If so, you can ignore the rest of this article. If not, try making the sandwich.


  Financial planners say that when new clients audit their household spending for the first time, the biggest shock is usually how much they spend in restaurants -- 70% of which goes to paying the restaurant's rent and labor costs.


  Why do we go out to restaurants that promise 'homemade' food?

  我们为什么要到餐馆吃家常菜? 1/2 12下一页尾页