查英语 >英语阅读 >放假就要远离压力:十个不花钱的放松方式


更新时间:2024-04-26 04:15:24


  1. Read a Book

  1. 看本好书

  Head to your local library and get yourself a library card, which is free. Many libraries now have lending services for ebooks, too, making it even easier to sneak a few moments of quiet relaxing time. Even if you're not a big reader, you might be surprised by how calming it is to simply sit and get lost in a few pages.


  2. Go For a Walk

  2. 散个小步

  Anytime you are feeling like you just can't take anymore, head outdoors for a brisk walk. Getting your body moving is a great way to destress and let your brain work through your problems. Or grab a friend and chat away while pounding the pavement.


  3. Meditate

  3. 来个冥想

  Find a quiet corner, and tune out for five minutes. Set a timer on your phone, and enjoy sitting in silence, download a self-guided meditation routine.


  4. Watch the Sunset (or Sunrise)

  4. 看场日落(或日出)

  We spend a lot of time working hard, which means getting outdoors isn't always at the top of the daily must-do list. On seriously stressful days, make time to watch the sunset without your phone. Turn it off and sit while taking in the wonders of nature and celebrating the end of your long day.


  5. Sing a Song

  5. 唱个小曲

  Even if you're not a professional crooner, sing a song. Turn the radio up and sing along to your favorite tune, or hit the town for some karaoke. And singing gets your blood pumping due to the deep breaths you take to belt out a tune which elevates mood.

  即使你唱歌不好听,没关系,唱首歌吧。把音乐调大,伴着喜欢的曲子唱起来,或者干脆去唱个K。由于唱歌时深呼吸带动了血液循环,你的情绪也会跟着好起来。 1/2 12下一页尾页