查英语 >英语阅读 >成功人士如是说:活到老学到老才是王道


更新时间:2024-04-23 16:27:39


  The most successful entrepreneurs and executives are savvy business people first, and experts in their field second. This may seem counter-intuitive to technologists, especially in an era when technology seems to be driving the world. Yet the sad truth is that a technology not focused on a real problem is not a business, and will probably fail in the marketplace.


  1.Reserve time daily to research the market, as well as technology.


  Learning is a never-ending requirement for every entrepreneur. At best, all they teach you in school is how to learn. In these days of rapid change, most experts believe that the facts college students learn as a sophomore are obsolete before they exit their senior year.


  2. Build relationships with key experts in your business domain.

  2. 和你所在的商业领域的专家建立良好关系。

  Talk regularly with peers and advisors who have been there before you. Your focus should be on listening and asking questions, rather than defensively arguing that your situation is somehow different from all the others.


  3. Be proactive in contributing business ideas and follow through.

  3. 商业理念要有前瞻性,并坚持去执行该理念。

  Talk is cheap when it comes to innovative ideas in business. You dont really understand a new idea, until you try to write it down and succinctly communicate it to peers and critics.

  光靠说,是说不出真正好的新点子的。如果你不把你的想法写下来,告诉你的同僚,告诉那些批评家,你就无法真正理解一个新的理念。 1/2 12下一页尾页