查英语 >英语阅读 >乐观的人更成功:五招做职场乐观人


更新时间:2024-04-16 14:55:22

  Everyone wants to be an optimist, but it's not always easy when life gets you down. While some folks a naturally sunny disposition, most people have to work to maintain an optimistic viewpoint. Its worth the work, however, since optimists enjoy better health and even do better in their careers. In fact, a study even found banks were more likely to approve the loans of optimistic entrepreneurs.


  Seeing the silver lining instead of the dark cloud can not only make you happier, it can also make you more successful. Here are five secrets of optimists to help you look on the bright side, even when stuck in a traffic jam or forced to work on a weekend:



  1、Optimists are passionate about their work.


  Do you need to drag yourself to work every morning? Optimists dont, because they spring out of bed excited to face the day. This is because optimists have chosen to pursue jobs and careers for which they have real, genuine passion.


  If you cant remember the last time you enjoyed your day in the office, it might be time to start looking for greener pastures. For optimists, work is more than just an opportunity for a paycheck. Its also an opportunity to learn, grow, and do what you love.


  2、Optimists focus on the good.


  Negative events tend to stick in the brain more easily than positive developments, and we all have a tendency to dwell on the negative. When you start to get cranky or stressed, think about something good from your day to balance out the negative emotions. Optimists make a choice to focus on the good in their life instead of dwelling on the bad.

  负面事件比正面事件更容易被人们记住。我们都更倾向于老想着负面事件。当你开始烦躁不安或压力重重,想想你生活中好的方面,以此来抵消那些负面情绪。乐观者选择关注他们生活中好的一面,而不会对坏的一面念念不忘。 1/2 12下一页尾页